The Defense Intel Alumni Association (DIAA) was created by a small group of separated and retired DIA civilian and military personnel in 1998. Then-DIA Director LTG Patrick M. Hughes approved DIA participation with DIAA and authorized DIAA to operate and meet at Agency facilities for educational and social purposes. In the last 23 years, DIAA expanded its membership, increased interaction with DIA, and delivered social and educational activities on behalf of its members.
- DIAA is a non-profit 501(c) (7) organization that is exclusively operated for the recreation and educational benefits of its members. In accordance with its bylaws, DIAA is governed by a Board of Directors (BoD) consisting of 12 elected voting Directors and two non- voting representatives appointed by DIA leadership (currently from DIA/OCC) who provide a direct link to DIA. There are three statutory Officers (President, Secretary and Treasurer) who execute decisions and perform prescribed duties in accordance with DIAA by- Laws. The Board has also created a Vice President position, which assists in day-to-day leadership of the organization. The DIAA Board of Directors embraces these core values:
- Honor the history and culture of DIA
- Serve and support the DIA workforce
- Support DIA approved educational programs
- Honor exceptional dedication to duty by DIAA members in support of the association’s missions and vision.
- Maintain independence and non-partisanship in all our activities.
Providing social, recreational, educational and career transition support to former, retired and current DIA civilian or military personnel supporting the DIA mission.
Continued support of DIA by participating in ongoing support activities and education. DIAA is proud to supports the DIA Torch Bearers Award process with 2 members of the Association sitting on the selection panel and sponsoring the tri-annual SSG Hobson Silver Pen Award to the graduate of the Attaché́ Staff Training Class in the Joint Military Attaché́ School (JMAS), who submits the best operations plan, as selected by the JMAS facility. The awardee receives a silver pen and a DIAA coin.
Johnny Sawyer - President
Barbara Estock-Mays - Vice President
James Eden - Treasurer
Jim Murphy – Secretary
Joe Mazzafro
Denny Lane
Mary Matthews
Mary Quinn
Oritta Essien
James Danoy
Richard Riccardelli
Barbara Sanderson
Carl Dudley–DIA Representative
Judi DeMulling – President Emeritus
James Riggins, Lt. Col., USAF (Ret) – President Emeritus
Patrick Hughes, LTG, US Army (Ret)
Robert Ashley, LTG, US Army (Ret)
Gail Howell – President Emeritus